Partners with Business Toolkit

Partners with Business is a cost-effective way to support workers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to be successful on the job. Partners with Business capitalizes on the natural supports (coworkers and supervisors) in the workplace and compliments this natural support with more formal supports when necessary for job success. These more formal supports can include assistive technology, co-workers, or job coaches from a vocational support agency.

This toolkit contains fact sheets for employers and information for vocational support agencies and school staff to implement the Partners with Business model.

  1. Overview 
  2. PWB Overview FAQ
  3. PWB Agreement FAQs
  4. Coworker Support Plan
  5. Agreement Template
  6. Employer Invoice Template
  7. Coworker Training Slides
  8. Systematic Instruction 
  9. Instructional Techniques in Job Coaching

Partners with Business in Action:

Click here to view the entire toolkit. 

Videos of Youth with Disabilities Working

One of the best ways to appreciate how employment can work for employers and people with disabilities is to see real life examples of it happening.  Below are the employment stories of youth who have participated in the Let’s Get to Work project.  

Cullen’s Employment Story (2:55) 

Brandon’s Employment Story (2:15) 

Alexis’s Employment Story (2:00) 

James’ Employment Story (1:15)

Additional Helpful Resources for Employers

“Going to Work” Youth Video Series


For More Information:

Shannon Webb at (608) 318 – 0700 or